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sábado, 3 de junio de 2017



The last seminar was held on May 22, 2017, the two hours that lasted were dedicated to the exhibition of all research work. Focusing on what our group did, "The consumption of narghile in society," we could deduce that the null hypotheses that we raised should be rejected, and above all that the majority of the population had regularly tried or consumed hookah compared to tobacco that Had a higher percentage.

Each work should have the following sections:

Authors and affiliation
Theoretical framework.
Material and method.
Bibliographic references.

Below are a series of graphs and diagrams that represent numerous data that we compare and the results that we obtained.

People who have ever eaten hookah.

Reason why they started smoking and with whom they used to smoke.

They own their own hookah, 25%.

Twelve percent of the population used to hook the pipe with some of the things mentioned in the bar diagram.

We were surprised to learn that 15% of the population did not care that children under 12 years of age smoke hookah.

In the conclusions we drew we realized that the majority considered that smoking was less harmful than consuming tobacco because they also thought that it contained natural components. We learned from the Chi Square test that hookah and tobacco consumption are related.
Another important data that we observed was that they started consuming between the ages of 14 and 16, while others tried it at 7-8 years; Nevertheless the majority consumed with more regularity between the 16 and the 20 years, quite worrying numbers in general.
Finally we reject the 5 null hypotheses that we put forward:

1st null hypothesis: it is rejected --> if there is a relation between hookah and tobacco
2nd null hypothesis: it is rejected --> cause dependency
3rd null hypothesis: it is rejected --> less certain than cigarettes
4th hypothesis null: it is rejected --> inhale hookah smoke may not harmless
5th hypothesis null: it is rejected --> only one session is detrimental to health

This is only a part of the extensive work we do, a survey of 28 questions to 434 people, from acquaintances, friends, various educational centers, to unknown social networks (Facebook, Whatsapp, Google Form ...), thanks to it Seville, Málaga, Valencia and other communities were able to carry out our questionnaire.

If you want to know something more about the history of hookah do not hesitate to comment, thank you very much.

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