In seminar 4, held on March 30,
we focus on:
• Recoding variables
• Calculations of central tendency and dispersion
quantitative variables
• Frequency distribution and confidence interval calculations
• Calculation Graphing of sectors, bar charts and
• Hypothesis test contrast.
A) Chi Square
B) T Student
C) ANOVA test
D) Linear Regression
It is true
that this seminar was ahead of schedule with regard to the large group classes
because we were a little behind but this served to better understand what soon
we were going to give. Therefore mentioning certain terms will suffice because
in other related publications appear again and more broadly.
To begin with
we have the measures of position, which as we know are the percentiles, deciles
and quartiles.
On the
contrary in the measures of centralization we have the median, fashion and
average; And finally within the dispersion measures is the variance, standard
deviation and path or sampling range.
We also review the inferential
statistics, the types of variables... But we can say that the most interesting
was the tests of contrast of hypotheses:
• First, CHI QUADRADO, we learned to do it in paper but also in Epi Info to
use it in the research work. Observing the results we will accept or not the
null hypothesis. We use it in QUALITATIVE-QUALITATIVE.
Like the previous case we can also insert in our program this table.
• ANOVA TEST, for more than two variables.
• LINEAL REGRESIONES, where we draw the clouds of points and as in
all cases we do also in our program of work. QUANTITATIVE-QUANTITATIVE.
And this was
everything we saw in seminar 4, in just two hours gave us time to look over
each example but it was not until the large group classes when we finished
consolidating the terms and formulas and above all to do more example in Role
that ultimately is what serves us in this subject, practice.
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